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Tips & Tricks For Going Up Stairs *medium difficulty daily function hip knees strength Oct 11, 2022

Stairs are a common challenge for people with joint pain. Some try going up leading with their "better" leg, or going up sideways, or just avoiding them altogether. All of these strategies focus on avoiding pain rather than improving technique. In this video, I demonstrate how to use your legs more ...

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Balance Exercises For Better Walking *low difficulty balance walking Sep 27, 2022

Healthy walking requires you have the ability to safely and comfortably stand on one leg. In fact, while walking many people have both feet on the ground only 20% of the time. Many issues people have with walking come from a lack of balance or confidence when shifting all of their weight to one leg....

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Re-Align Your Spine *low difficulty hip low back posture Sep 20, 2022

Your posture plays a large role in how you use your muscles and how much strain you put through your joints. It is common for the shoulders and the hips to become offset from one another in what is known as a lateral shift. This shift happens slowly over time and most people do not even realize they...

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Unlock Your Stiff Neck *low difficulty neck Sep 13, 2022

If you have a chronically stiff neck or just occasionally wake up with a crick in your neck this is the video for you. In this video, you will train yourself to tilt and turn your head with less muscle strain and learn to use all of your spine... not just your neck. This series is gentle enough for ...

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Tips & Tricks For Getting Out Of Chairs *low difficulty hip knees low back pain relief Sep 06, 2022

You could be getting out of chairs more easily and with less pain. With a few changes to your form, you can get up more efficiently and with less pain and strain in your knees, hips, and low back. You will identify where your center of gravity is and how to balance over your feet when rising. This s...

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Quick Posture Check-In *low difficulty neck posture Aug 30, 2022

The posture you adopt has a significant impact on how you move and how you use your body. It determines what muscles and joints become stiff, or loose, and what muscles become active or inactive or even overactive (persistent knots or spasms). 

In this video, I demonstrate a quick and simple postur...

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Relieve SI Joint Pain *low difficulty hip low back Aug 23, 2022

The Sacro Iliac (SI) joint is the connection between your legs and your spine. If you can feel the 2 bony prominences at either side of the lowest part of your back, that is where the SI lives. Its job is to allow forces to flow seamlessly from your legs to your body for stability while standing or ...

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Reach Higher Overhead *low difficulty neck shoulder Aug 16, 2022

Reaching overhead is a highly complex movement. It requires harmonious coordination of strength and flexibility in the shoulders, shoulder blades, upper back, ribs, chest, and collar bones. The better you are at putting all of these pieces together the easier it will be to get your arms up over your...

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Spinal Rhythm: Connecting The Head And The Pelvis *low difficulty low back neck posture Jul 07, 2022

Your spine connects your head to your pelvis. If your spine is free and flexible, a movement from your head should create a movement in your pelvis like a wave moving through the water. We often hold stiffness in our spine because of muscle tension, joint degeneration, or habit, that prevents freedo...

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Squat Without Flaring Up Joint Pain *medium difficulty hip knees low back Jul 05, 2022

Squatting is an essential movement for comfortable and healthy daily activities. Every time you get up from a chair or take the stairs you are performing some variation of a squat. Learning the fundamental principles of squatting will help you increase strength in your legs, stabilize your core, and...

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Cat-Cow and More *medium difficulty low back neck Mar 29, 2022

Reduce stiffness in your entire spine and hips with this variation of the "Cat-Cow" yoga pose.

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Rolling In Bed With Ease And Comfort *low difficulty daily function hip low back Mar 22, 2022

For some rolling in bed can be a challenging or even painful activity. I often watch patients struggle needlessly while attempting to roll on my treatment table. By following a few key principles nearly everyone can roll with less effort and little to no pain. In this video, you will see how to brea...

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Restore Your Rotator Cuff *high difficulty shoulder Mar 15, 2022

The rotator cuff is one of the most vulnerable structures in the shoulder and when it gets damaged you can have weakness, pain, and joint breakdown leading to arthritis. The bad news is that the rotator cuff tendons do not heal once they are damaged. The good news is that you can learn to integrate ...

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The Stiff Neck Solution *low difficulty neck Mar 08, 2022

Very often the best way to alleviate a stiff neck is NOT to push the neck further into the restricted direction, but rather to allow the rest of the body to move more so the neck can do less. When the neck has help from the rest of the spine in turning the head you will gain mobility and if you have...

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Strengthen Your Abdominals *medium difficulty abdominals strength Mar 01, 2022

Your abdominal muscles should be working with almost every movement you make. Understanding how to more easily engage your belly muscles will make all movements easier and allow you to feel stronger with virtually everything you do. In this series, you will learn the different types of abdominal mus...

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Release Your Hip Flexors *medium difficulty hip Feb 24, 2022

Tight hip flexors are a common cause of pain in the knees, hips, or low back. They limit upright standing posture and make it more difficult to initiate abdominal and gluteal muscles needed for healthy movement. In this session you will learn how to release your tight hip flexors, but not by simply ...

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11 Ways To Sit *low difficulty daily function low back posture Feb 10, 2022

When it comes to sitting, we actually have a lot of options for positions and postures. However, we tend to gravitate to the same position all the time due to our habits and preferences. This will strain the same areas all the time and can lead to pain or joint breakdown. You may not give a lot of t...

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Shoulder Strengthening Routine Without Flaring Up Arthritis Pain *low difficulty shoulder strength Feb 01, 2022

Having strong muscles is essential for healthy joints. It can be very difficult to build strength when you have arthritis pain. This video will show you a number of different exercises for your shoulders that are easy on the joints and can be modified to suit almost any ability level. 

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Walking Lesson For Creaky Knees *medium difficulty daily function knees walking Jan 27, 2022

How you shift weight from your back foot to your front foot will determine the type of stress you put through your knees and therefore how much pain you will have while walking. In this video, you will explore your own personal tendencies for weight shifting and learn how to make changes that will r...

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Happy Hips *low difficulty hip Jan 20, 2022

How you use your hips and low back will determine how much stress you put on the joints of your entire leg. In this movement improvement series, you will learn how to comfortably improve hip mobility by releasing tense muscles in your low back and groin and engaging underutilized muscles in your hip...

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Get More From Your Feet *low difficulty foot Jan 13, 2022

Take notice of how your feet interact with the floor. Your ability to allow your foot to make easy contact with the floor and still support your arch has a large impact on how you walk, how you stand, and how well you can balance. In this movement improvement session, you will explore your ability t...

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Un-Stiffen Your Hands & Fingers *low difficulty hands Jan 06, 2022

Over half of all women and one-quarter of all men will experience stiffness in their hands and fingers due to arthritis at some point in their lives. It is one of the most common arthritic conditions. We have patterns of movement that dictate the way we use our fingers to pinch, grab, or carry objec...

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Manage Painful Arthritis Flare-Ups Through Focused Breathing *low difficulty breathing pain relief Dec 24, 2021

Painful flare-ups are inevitable when you live with a chronically painful condition like arthritis. Flare-ups can be caused by physical activity, mental or emotional stress, immune system activity, sleep quality, nutrition, and even the weather. No matter what the cause of your pain flare-up underst...

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Looser Hips & Low Back *medium difficulty hip low back Dec 16, 2021

Reduce arthritis pain by practicing moving your hips into rotation. Explore the relationship between low back and pelvis movement and freedom in the hips. You will learn to release chronically tight muscles in the inner thighs to allow for greater freedom of movement. By the end of this session, you...

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