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Is Your Breathing Pattern Keeping You In Pain? *low difficulty abdominals breathing low back neck pain relief posture Aug 22, 2023

You take over 8 MILLION breaths in a day. You hardly ever think about them. Thank goodness for that, because if you had to think about every breath, you wouldn't have the capacity for much else. If you break down the mechanics of breathing you begin to realize there is a lot going on. In order to fi...

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Master The Fundamentals: Pelvic Tilt *low difficulty abdominals breathing hip knees low back neck pain relief posture Mar 28, 2023

Your ability to control a pelvic tilt will inform how you stand, sit, walk, climb stairs, and even sleep. The pelvis is the connection between the spine and the legs and as such, its position will determine how well you can engage the muscles in your thighs, hips, and trunk. When you lose the abilit...

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Strengthen Your Core Without Getting On The Floor *low difficulty abdominals daily function low back Jan 31, 2023

Strengthening your core muscles will help to stabilize your spine preventing pain and injury. Common core exercises require you to get on the floor and require maximal muscle engagement, however, effective spine stability is more about coordinating muscles to control your body rather than overload s...

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Strengthen Your Abdominals *medium difficulty abdominals strength Mar 01, 2022

Your abdominal muscles should be working with almost every movement you make. Understanding how to more easily engage your belly muscles will make all movements easier and allow you to feel stronger with virtually everything you do. In this series, you will learn the different types of abdominal mus...

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Flexible Spine Part 1: Flexion and Extension *medium difficulty abdominals low back neck Oct 28, 2021

 'You are on as young as your spine is flexible" - Joseph Pilates

The spine can move in 3 planes of motion.  In the first of this three-part series, you will explore moving your spine into flexion and extension or bending forward in backward. This gentle but challenging movement improvement series ...

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Foundations For Your Core: Freeing Your Pelvis *low difficulty abdominals low back Sep 17, 2021

Discover the strength that is already inside of you. In this session, you will learn how to unlock your pelvis so it can move freely. This will enable you to position yourself in more efficient positions with standing, walking, and climbing stairs.

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